for having been a little quiet over the past couple of weeks but this is due to
the fact we’ve been working pretty hard on a very exciting BitScan project and
we are now ready to announce the results of that work.
the past few months we have been having a think about what the bitcoin
community needs and judging from social media, news, forums, and conversations with
fellow bitcoiners, what it really wants. We know the success of bitcoin relies
on its continued growth and expansion into the mainstream so we've just been
working hard to try to create something that will be of benefit to
realised that there are several key users of bitcoins, from traders and
merchants, savers and investors, to those just wanting to find out more and
learn what bitcoin is really about and how it works, and, importantly, where
can they spend it…
realised people needed access to exchange information in all the major, global
currencies; they needed access to news and information, and critically, at
times, some clue as to what was happening on the markets. We thought people
might find it useful to be able to check the value of their own bitcoin
holdings in their wallets in real time, without having to constantly log in to
their wallet client. Finally, what would be really useful, what would let
people new to bitcoin see how functional it really is, would be information as
to where they could spend those bitcoins in said wallets.
comprehensive directory of many of the businesses that take bitcoin around the
world is not a new idea. But a directory, categorised with relevant information and – best of all, a map, to show where
these business are actually located and which businesses can be found near
where you live or happen to be at any given time, that was hard to find. And
what about business owners themselves who want to list their business in such a
directory or even sell one or two items from their business in a classified
listing? Well, we thought about that as well.
also realised that a lot of that information could be found by scouring the web
and searching endlessly on Google via many different websites: Until now.
if you could access all of that information and all of those resources on the
one gadget you carry around with you all the time?
if there was one app, which enabled you to do and find all of the above?
roll please…!
would like to introduce to you, the new BitScan app!
have to admit, we are pretty excited about this. It is the fruits of many
months of planning, researching, talking, head-scratching, late nights and
early starts, but at the end of the day, it will only work if you love it.
is why we want to offer you an opportunity to test it out, and most importantly,
give us your thoughts and opinions. After all, we created this app with the
bitcoin community in mind and so it is you, the bitcoin community, we want to
hear from.
the current time, we have only got an iOS version for iphone ready but an
Android version is in the pipeline. Please bear with us Android users (we know there are plenty of you!)
you would like to give it a go and download our beta version, please let us
know and we can invite you to do so. We welcome any feedback and would be
grateful for your advice and support going forward during this final phase of
you for your patience as we have withdrawn from our ususal BitScan duties and
in the meantime, check out what our app has to offer:

Our features will be available in the
BitBuzz section, which will also include a daily roundup of the best bitcoin
and financial or consumer news from around the web.
On to the Exchange section: here the app
offers four customisable panels, in which you can choose the exchange and
currency you wish to track. Each panel slides across so that you can view charts
and spreads.
What’s more, if you are a merchant who is
always on the move, our phone-toggle feature will allow you to link your phone
to our map so that people can find you wherever you are.
The classifieds section allows you to list
an item for sale in bitcoins and this can be submitted via your handset.
Not only can you submit a classified
through the app, but you can also refer a business. If you know of or spot a
business that accepts bitcoins, but which does not currently feature in our
directory – let us know. We’ll even make it worth your while because if that
business pays for premium advertising with us, you will get a 10% cut of any
revenue that listing generates. Can’t say fairer than that.
You can probably tell we're just a little bit excited about this new app - and our brand spanking new website, which will be launched alongside very soon.
We hope you’ll find it a sleek, user-friendly, yet very functional app, packed full of features. We also hope you’ll agree with us that this is something the bitcoin community as a whole can benefit from - but we await your judgement.
we mentioned, unfortunately, at this moment in time, it is only available to
those with an iPhone but if you would like to give it a go and offer us your feedback, we're all ears! Please email us: askbitscan@gmail.com and we'll be in touch...
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